The Untold Dangers of Tooth Decay 

Undoubtedly, oral health is just as vital as general health and well-being. To put it another way, your oral health reflects the state of your whole health. Teeth decay, also known as dental caries, is one of the world’s most common health problems, affecting children, teenagers, and older adults. If you suspect you have tooth decay, you should seek Waikiki dental care today. 

What is tooth decay, and what causes it?

Tooth decay happens when bits of food and bacteria accumulate in the mouth, forming plaque on the tooth’s enamel. Plaque eventually turns into acid, which wears down the tooth. Tooth decay can occur due to genetic predisposition or poor dental hygiene. 

How is your health affected by tooth decay? 

Dental decay and cavities may appear to be small issues with very little priority, but if ignored for too long, they can have serious consequences for your health. Following are some of the most significant consequences of neglected tooth decay: 

  • Bone loss can occur when decay continues beyond the gum line or in deep cavities in your molars. When combined with the natural bone loss that comes with aging, this can pose issues if you need implants or other orthodontic treatment in the future. 
  • Tooth decay that goes unchecked can hasten gum recession. This may raise the likelihood of developing significant periodontal disease. 
  • Harvard Medical School research has connected dental decay to an elevated heart disease risk. 
  • The pain caused by tooth decay can impact your quality of life and, if severe, leave you feeling unhappy and prone to poor nutrition and insomnia. 
  • In rare and extreme circumstances, complications from tooth decay might result in mortality, such as a severe infection that reaches the blood or septic shock. 

How can you avoid tooth decay? 

Proper oral hygiene can help to reduce dental decay. However, even brushing and flossing regularly does not always eliminate cavities. The thorough inspection that occurs in conjunction with bi-annual cleaning, scaling, and x-rays to detect concealed deterioration is critical to your health. Cavities can then be treated, or the tooth can be extracted if the deterioration is severe. Dental decay does not have to be a severe health issue if detected early and treated accordingly. 

Talk to a dentist today. 

If you want to learn more about how dental care may enhance your life, schedule an appointment with an experienced dentist today and get the oral care you deserve. 


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